Hormone SOS & Rescue Course

42 Curated Masterclasses

A note from your host, Shivan Sarna:

Thank you so much for participating in this groundbreaking event! The New Science and Wisdom of Menopause Summit is over. Tens of thousands of women attended and the feedback has been tremendous.

During the live Q&A’s there were tons of hormone, pelvic floor, intimacy and questions about bladder health. I went through the 71 summit presentations and hand-picked 42 that I felt were essential for those topics to help you transform your menopause into one of comfort and ease.

Here are the masterclasses from the summit that focus on hormones, bio-identical HRT, testing, pelvic floor health, bladder health, intimacy and clinical pearls from true women's health experts.

Wishing you the best of health, XO Shivan.

The hormone and health advice to feel your BEST in menopause

42 core hormone, intimacy, and women's health masterclasses

Reverse-Age Method: Transform Your Perimenopause Journey

Brie Wieselman, LAc, MTCM

Curing Chronic Urinary Tract Infections (Part 1)

Ruth Kriz, APRN

Curing Chronic Urinary Tract Infections (Part 2)

Ruth Kriz, APRN

Got Meno-FOG: Could it be MOLD? (Part 1)

Jenny Tufenkian, ND

Got Meno-FOG: Could it be MOLD? (Part 2)

Jenny Tufenkian, ND

Hormone Havoc to Hormone Harmony: Hormones Done Right –The Toxin Gut Connection

Lorraine Maita, MD

Does Menopause Shift the Risk for Diabetes?

Beverly Yates, ND

Unmuting Menopause: Empowering Women Through Pelvic Floor Awareness

Jana Danielson, Pelvic Floor Expert

The F. L. O. W. Approach to Menopause and Health

Kelly Kennedy, Lymph Queen

Middle Age Health Woes? Discover the Mitochondrial Fix for Hormones, Brain Fog, and Digestion

Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC

Why Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a MUST for Menopause

Benjamin Stills, NMD

Menopause Essentials: What Every Practitioner Must Know

Felice Gersh, MD

The Perimenopause Power Shift: Navigating Peri & Menopause with Confidence & Empowerment

Shay Pausa, Cancer Survivor

Breast Implant Illness

Robert Whitfield, MD

How To Get A Buff Muff in Menopause

Kim Vopni, Vagina Coach

Unveiling the 5th Vital Sign: How Physiologic Hormone Therapy is Revolutionizing Women’s Health and Vitality

Rebecca Provorse, ND

Reclaiming Your Rhythm: How Physiologic HRT is Transforming Lives Across the Hormonal Spectrum

Rebecca Provorse, ND

Unlocking the Connection: Scars, Lymph, and Hormones

Christine Schaffner, ND

Sleep and Menopause(Part 1)

Mona Morstein, ND

Sleep Treatments: Herbs and More (Part 2)

Mona Morstein, ND

You were meant to Pause: Embracing the magic of Meno(pause) (Part 1)

Sharon Stills, NMD

You were meant to Pause: Embracing the magic of Meno(pause) (Part 2)

Sharon Stills, NMD

A Functional Approach to Menopause and what can make symptoms worse?

Kelly McCann, MD

The Gut and Hormones Interplay: How the Gut Affects Hormone Health and Vice Versa

Lisa Shaver, ND, LaC

Ozone Therapy: How a relatively unknown therapy can help with menopause

Tobias Segal, Ozone Therapy Expert

Women’s Health: Fertility, Menopause, and Beyond

Alicia Galvin, MEd, RD, LD, IFNCP

Breaking the Pain Cycle: The Secret to a Pain-Free Menopause

Rodger Murphree, ND

Mastering Perimenopause and Menopause

Nat Kringoudis, Hormone Expert

Gut Feeling: Rebalancing Hormones, Libido and Weight in Menopause

Betsy Greenleaf, DO, FACOOG

Safe Hormone Replacement & Your Genetics (Advanced)

Betty Murray, PhD, CNS, MS, IFMCP

Hormone Testing: How to Identify Your Hormone Story

Liz Bartman, ND, BSc

The Perimenopause Hormone Reset

Jennifer Woodward, MS

Medical Mysteries: Metals and Stealth Infections – What you need to know for perimenopause, menopause, and beyond

Nafysa Parpia, ND

The Intersection of Hormonal Imbalance, Gut Function and Leaky Gut

Angela Pifer, MS, FMN, LCN, CN

Your Hormones and an Unexpected Conversation about Alcohol

Tabatha Barber, DO, FACOOG, NCMP, IFMCP

Your Menopause Microbiome (Advanced)

Betty Murray, PhD, MS, IFMCP

Is It Mold Or Is It Menopause?

Peter Osborne, DC, PScD, DACBN

From Skinny Jeans to Sweatpants? Decoding the Menopause Metabolism Myth

Heathar Parisi, MSN, FNP-C

What Every Woman Needs to Know About Hair Loss

Julie Greenberg, ND, RH(AHG), MBA

Rock Your Menopause with Nutrigenomics: Unlock the Power of Your Genes for a Smoother Journey

Andreanna Rainville, RN, LMP

From Stress to Serenity: How Quantum Biology Can Transform Menopause

Catherine Clinton, ND

Bias vs Belief vs Fact in Women’s Hormone Therapies

Robyn Kutka, ND

Unlimited Access to the
Hormone Mini Course Package + Bonuses

Instant On Demand Access:

  • 42 expert masterclasses - Ongoing digital access to all 42 Masterclasses ($59 each x 42 total classes = total value of $2478)​

  • The digital transcript book ($99 value)

  • The information-packed presentation slides ($99 value)

  • The studies reference ebook with links to over 100+ cited studies ($99 value)

  • Discounts on over 20,000+ professional-grade supplements

  • The Menopause Rescue eBook Bundle (value $116)

Total Value $2891, that is 97% off!

🔒 For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

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